Temporary staffing department
Facilitate the use of human resources in your needs in time. It can energize whole company by using highly skilled staff or variety of staff.
It is more common than before that a lot of company using outsourcing to achieve cut-down man power cost, encourage efficient human resource use, which is necessary to win cost competitive edge between companies.
In the mean time, staffing business field had rapid growth, and enormous number of staffing business were established.
We have established past records and experience through surviving these chaotic era amongst many cumbersome and complicated competitiers.
Detachment : How does it work?
Need man power only if there’s a lot of work to be done, want to fill up sudden vacant position, need a special skilled staff…etc
It depends what customer wants/needs, our detachement service will change.
We can offer to match a variety of customer’s needs and supply service.
Contracting Jobs : How does it work?
If your company is looking for not only cutting down the man power cost but also variable expense as well, we can offer you「Contract System」.
If your company needs flexible correspondence such as production increase. We can make a production planning/ manpower planning just suitable to your company by using our know-how skill.
Temporary to Permanent
Would like to hire permanent employee!
BUT! don’t have time and cost for hiring new staff. Also not sure if she/he will stay long term…
If you have that kind of issue, we can offer you 「Temporary to Permanent」service.
Private employment service
We can also introduce your company who is looking for direct employment.
We can match your company’s needs and applicants skills or experience.
Effective use of foreign talent ①
We have an arrangement in the Japanese diaspora sending institutions in Philippines, and we have hiring Japanese diaspora Filipino who is looking a job in Japan.
The sending institutions which we have arrangement is TESD authorized institutions.
※Please feel free to talk about other foreign talent than Philipino.
Effective use of foreign talent ②
Our company and also sending institutions give those foreign staff education to adjust Japanese life and also work environment.
Our translating staff always give follow up commnication to understand thoroughly.